Contact Hub

Lets Get Started

Ready to take the next step to bring your talent strategy to the next level, or want to discuss how we might help?  Book a call with one of our Hub Managing Directors!

Hub Recruiting Office

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PO Box 4036
Bedford, MA 01886

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Whether you identify as a start-up or just a growing organization, a full recruiting department may not have been your focus. While in this stage, bringing in external expertise to ensure this is done correctly is key. We can advise on the process and still deliver on whichever goals you may want to achieve.

Flexibility and results is always our goal. We can support and add to your team with quick and ease in a matter of days. We’ve have worked with top organizations with quick deadlines with a data-driven approach to ensure we deliver strong ROI.

Figuring out a talent plan can be difficult. Then taking in to account ROI and costs to hire, talent acquisition departments can be quick to hire and therefore the quality of the candidates and hires can drop. Focusing on quality long-term partnerships, we are better prepared to deliver you the very best talent with reduced costs.

Hub consultants save, on average, almost 50% versus a traditional recruiting agency. Because we do not work on a commission on individual roles, we take the time to build a relationship that delivers ROI over time. Many of our partners even find that our model is more cost-effective over time than increasing the capacity of their in-house team.